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Join us on Thursday, March 21 from 12.00 to 12.45 pm CET, for the UCARE LevelUP Journal Club!

JORGE SÁNCHEZ Prof, MD, MSc, EAC, PhD  (Medellin, Colombia) will speak on

Prospective analysis of the clinical evolution of chronic urticaria: persistence, remission, recurrence and pruritus alone.

Sánchez J, Álvarez L, Cardona R. World Allergy Organ J. 2022 Oct 8;15(10):100705. doi: 10.1016/j.waojou.2022.100705. Electronic collection 2022 Oct.”

Join us on Thursday, March 21, please click HERE

Find the paper HERE

If you are an ACARE or UCARE physician and would like to present a paper, get in touch with Niklas Mahnke at niklas-amadeus.mahnkeATcharite.berlin and Julia Föll at julia.foellATga2len.berlin

Please find the rotation list below, there are still many open slots, starting with April 18.

Click HERE to join the meeting.

If you are an ACARE or UCARE physician and would like to present a paper, get in touch with Julia Föll or Niklas Mahnke. 

Please find the rotation list below, there are still many open slots!
